Recording of the SPI International Call — May 7, 2015


About the International Coalition Calls

Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement.

Call for May 7, 2015

Here’s the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute’s international coordinating call.



As you may know, Nepal experienced a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on April 25. Over 14,000 people have been injured, and over 7,000 people have died as a result of this massive earthquake.

┬À┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á The Center for Inquiry will be donating 100% of the funds collected through their charitable program SHARE (Skeptics and Humanists Aid and Relief Effort), directly to Doctors without Borders. Donations can be made at

┬À┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á The Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal has mobilized more than 1,000 volunteers throughout Nepal to assist victims. 100% of donations collected will go directly to victims without any administrative fees. Please contact Uttam Niraula at

I – SPI Overview

(Edwina Rogers, CEO,, 202-674-7800)

  • SPI Mission

The Secular Policy Institute (SPI) is a think tank organization of thought leaders, writers, scholars, and speakers with a shared mission to influence public opinion and promote a secular society. We believe governmental decisions and public policies should be based on available science and reason, and free of religion or religious preferences.

  • World Future Forum & International Secular Leaders Summit

The Secular Policy Institute convenes some of the worldÔÇÖs most prestigious scholars and scientists to develop and disseminate compelling resources to influence the worldÔÇÖs decision makers. Open to policymakers and the public alike, the inaugural World Future Forum provides an unparalleled opportunity for an informed discussion of authoritative perspectives on the critical issues facing contemporary societies across the globe.

  • Registration opens Friday, May 8, 2015 at
    • Cost will be $295 per person.
  • The World Future Forum will take place at the Phoenix Park Hotel, at 520 North Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 20001
    • Hotel Room Blocks available at the Phoenix Park Hotel:
    • Single/Double Occupancy, 1 Bed Rooms are $249 a night (tax addÔÇÖl)
      • Additional $30 per person / per day for triple/quadruple occupancy.
    • Reservations can be made at, using the Group Code 19849 in order to obtain the GroupÔÇÖs rate.
  • Sunday, October 25, 2015, @ Phoenix Park Hotel
    • 2 ÔÇô 5 PM: International Secular Leaders Summit and Training
    • 6 ÔÇô 7 PM: Cocktail Reception
    • 7 ÔÇô 9 PM: VIP Dinner ÔÇô Keynote Speaker on the Future of Nations and Humanity
  • Monday, October 26, 2015, @ Phoenix Park Hotel
    • World Future Forum ÔÇô Emcee Lawrence Krauss
    • 9 ÔÇô 10:30 AM: Future of EarthÔÇÖs Climate
    • 10:45 ÔÇô 12:15 PM: Future of Violence and Terrorism
    • 2 ÔÇô 3:30 PM: Future of Space Exploration
    • 3:30 ÔÇô 4 PM: Conclusion
    • 7 ÔÇô 9 PM: World Future Forum Great Debate, @ GWU Lisner Auditorium
      • Separately ticketed event: $30 – $100; students $20.

Community Action Network (CAN) promotes the development and application of science and reason in an ongoing quest for secular solutions to local problems. As an inclusive, affirming, and action-oriented initiative, CAN seeks to promote rational relationships and effective community building in support of collective problem solving and the ongoing advancement and enjoyment of a more just and reasoned world.

  • World Future Guide
  • Secular Demographic Guide
  • Monthly Conference Call Schedule:

First Thursday of Every Month at Noon Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4): June 4; July 2; August 6; September 3; October 1; November 5; and December 3, 2015.

  • Recruit National and Regional Leaders
  • International Hotspots in Need

II ÔÇô FellowsÔÇÖ Corner

(Madeline Schussel, Director of Policy,

  • FellowsÔÇÖ Update
    • 30 Fellows:
      • 11 International, 19 US
    • Daily News Clip Now Available- How to sign up

III ÔÇô Coalitions & Resources

(Johnny Monsarrat, Alliance Director,

  • World SPI Calendar – Upcoming Major Conferences
  • Volunteers & Interns – SPI Volunteers/Interns Recruited
  • Coalition Update ÔÇô May 7, 2015 = 312 groups
  • Newsletter ÔÇô weekly. Please sign up.
  • Resources:
  • Religiousness by Country
  • Religiousness by US State
  • Back Office Support
  • Help secure Volunteers and Interns
  • Help Draft Press Releases
  • Access to Press Database
  • Brochures
  • Website Design

IV – US Public Policy Update

  • Supreme Court Leaves Ban on Churches in School
    • New York City may continue to ban churches from renting public school facilities after the nationÔÇÖs highest court refused to hear a challenge to the practice.
    • The Supreme CourtÔÇÖs refusal to act ends a 20-year legal battle over the ban. It is typically legal for churches to meet in public schools when class is not in session, but New York City enacted a policy banning worship and other activities, such as partisan political rallies and private parties.
  • Oklahoma House OKs Bill for Ministers to Refuse Gay Marriage

Last month, we reported to you that Oklahoma will no longer issue civil marriage certificates from clerks offices, in an attempt to stop gay weddings. As a side effect, it would also prevent atheists from getting married.

Now the Oklahoma House has approved legislation that grants immunity from civil liability to ministers who refuse to officiate a same-sex marriage.

House members voted 88-7 Thursday for the bill by Republican Rep. David Brumbaugh. The measure now goes to the state Senate.

  • Florida Bill Would Allow Discrimination Against Atheist Parents In Adoptions

Under the federal Faith Based Initiatives program, religious organizations can provide social services like adoption agencies with the understanding that they may not proselytize or discriminate. In other words, they must act secular. Churches of course do not want to act secular. They cheat on the rules. Now this cheating is set to become Florida state law.

According to on any given day there are about 750 children awaiting permanent placement and are without identified families. According to on any given day there are about 8,000 children in family foster care.

According to the proposed bill, CS/HB 7111: Conscience Protection for Actions of Private Child-Placing Agencies, it ÔÇ£Prohibits specified actions from being taken against private child-placing agency that refuses to place child or be involved in placement of child or facilitate licensure of foster home which would violate agencyÔÇÖs written religious or moral convictions or policies; provides that such refusal does not provide basis for claim for injunctive relief or compensatory or punitive damages.ÔÇØ

If you live in Florida, contact Rep. Brodeur, who introduced the bill and is Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, and contact Rep. Porter, who is co-sponsor and is the Chair of Higher Education & Workforce Subcommittee.

  • Supreme Court Sends Birth Control Case Back to Appeals Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered a federal appeals court to take a second look at the University of Notre DameÔÇÖs challenge to the birth control mandate in Obamacare, and the rules for opting out of the required coverage.

The law allows religious charities and educational institutions to opt out of providing employee and student birth control coverage by signing a one-page form.

But Notre Dame contends that the act of signing that opt-out form makes it complicit in providing coverage that the Catholic university objects to on religious grounds.

V – International Public Policy Update

  • United Nations ÔÇô Access to the Public Gallery:
    • For the vast majority of human rights meetings taking place in the UN, there is no requirement for ECOSOC status to attend public meetings.
    • A limited number of seats in the Public Gallery, above the main conference room, Room XX, are available for persons wishing to observe proceedings without being accredited as participants. Access is granted depending on the availability of seating and other circumstances.
    • Requests to attend should be sent by email to 24 hours in advance with the following information:
      • Date and purpose of visit;
      • Full names of those wishing to attend (please use an Excel spreadsheet if more than 5 persons).
    • Information about getting accredited status at the UN available HERE.
    • A short guide to what you can do at the UN once accredited, including making an oral statement, available HERE.
  • United Nations 2015 Meetings and Events
o┬á┬á Human Rights Council ÔÇô Organizational meeting May 26, 2015
o┬á┬á Meeting of special rapporteurs/representatives, independent experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council June 8 ÔÇô 12, 2015
o┬á┬á 29th Session of the Human Rights Council June 15 ÔÇô July 3, 2015
o┬á┬á Human Rights Committee ÔÇô Working Group on Communications June 22 ÔÇô 26, 2015
o┬á┬á Meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies June 22 ÔÇô 26, 2015
o┬á┬á 114th Session of the Human Rights Committee June 29 ÔÇô July 24, 2015
o┬á┬á Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women June 7 ÔÇô July 24, 2015
o┬á┬á 15th Session of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council August 10 ÔÇô 14, 2015
o┬á┬á Human Rights Council ÔÇô Organizational meeting August 24, 2015
  • The Campaign for Free Expression website has lots of important information about the appalling state of blasphemy rights around the world.
  • Saudi Arabia – In the news is the harsh punishment of Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger, for ÔÇ£insulting IslamÔÇØ online, and the imprisonment of BadawiÔÇÖs lawyer Waleed Abu Al-Khair, for standing up for human rights.
  • The IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) are holding their General Assembly on Saturday, May 30, 2015, in Manila, the Philippine Islands. More information can be found on their website HERE.
  • Italians Debate Role of Prayer in Public School

A coalition of parents and teachers in Italy recently filed a lawsuit over a Bologna public schoolÔÇÖs plan to host Roman Catholic prayers.

Giosuè Carducci Elementary School intended to hold a series of prayers to mark the Easter holiday last month. Although the prayers were voluntary and were to be held after school hours, some still object to what they characterize as an endorsement of Roman Catholicism.

In an interview with the New York Times, Adele Orioli of the Union of Atheists and Rationalistic Agnostics argued that the practice could alienate religious minorities. ÔÇ£Is it fair that everyone has to see this, even if some students are Muslims, Buddhists or atheists?ÔÇØ she asked.

Supporters of the prayers contend instead that Catholicism is simply part of ItalyÔÇÖs cultural legacy and that offering sectarian prayers doesnÔÇÖt amount of proselytization.

ÔÇ£It is not a matter of faith. It is a matter of belonging to a tradition,ÔÇØ the Rev. Rafaelle Buono told The Times.

  • CanadaÔÇÖs Supreme Court Rules Against Allowing Prayer At City Council Meetings

CanadaÔÇÖs Supreme Court has ruled that a small town in Quebec may not open its council meetings with prayer.

In a unanimous ruling Wednesday (April 15), CanadaÔÇÖs highest court ruled that the town of Saguenay can no longer publicly recite a Catholic prayer because it infringes on freedom of conscience and religion.

The case dates back to 2007, when a resident of Saguenay complained about public prayer at City Hall.

VI ÔÇô Project and Member Spotlight

  • International Freethought Film Festival 2015
    • When: Friday, May 8, at 5:30 PM to Sunday, May 10, at 10:00 PM
    • Where: Gallery at Avalon Island, 39 S. Magnolia Ave, Orlando, FL
    • Andrea Meyer, Founder and Executive Director of the IFFF will join us on the call to discuss the upcoming event.
    • The Association of Atheism (Republic of Turkey)
      • The first legally organized Atheist group in Turkey and the Middle East.
      • The organizationÔÇÖs goals are:
        • To give the Turkish public an unbiased, objective, and intelligent identity concerning who is and what it means to be an Atheist.
        • To stimulate and foster the thriving community that supports, promotes and protects the rights of individuals and groups identified as Atheists; and to combat negative attitudes toward such individuals and groups.
        • To stand up for the victims of the haranguers of Atheists and free-thinkers in the courts, either as active council or as a supporting party to the defendant.
      • Morgan Elizabeth Romano, VP of the Board of Directors & Director of International Relations, will join us on the call to speak about atheism in the Middle East.

SPI Staff:

Edwina Rogers ÔÇô

Madeline Schussel ÔÇô

Johnny Monsarrat ÔÇô

Elizabeth Loftus: The Memory Factory

The Weekly SPI Fellows Update
by Julie Esris

Remember a couple weeks ago when psychologist and SPI Fellow┬áElizabeth Loftus spoke briefly on NPR about false memories? Now she talks about the phenomenon in a full-blown lecture at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute.┬áThis presentation will leave you with fascinating– and real– memories.elizabeth-loftus

Last week we brought you the news that a Pew study┬áconfirmed that religion is declining in the United States. But what are the causes– and consequences? SPI Fellow philosopher┬áRon Lindsay weighs in on this phenomenon in a fascinating NPR interview. Listeners also call in and tell their stories.

This summer, the United States Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. The Court will surely examine how to properly interpret the Constitution in this ruling, but could they also use scientific reasoning when making their decision? Author and SPI Fellow Michael Shermer thinks so. Shermer discusses this issue and his new book, The Moral Arc, in this exciting interview on Minnesota Public Radio.

SPI Fellow┬áAymenn Al-Tamimi is an expert on ISIS, so who better to ask about the turmoil created by this group in Iraq and Syria? In this recent interview, Al-Tamimi offers some insight about the situation, including whether or not we can soon hope for ISIS’s defeat. ┬áAymenn_Jawad

Even the intelligent, hard-working SPI Fellows have to have fun. And that’s just what philosopher, literary critic, writer, and┬áSPI Fellow Russell Blackford did! He saw the new movie┬áAvengers: Age of Ultron┬áand wrote an interesting and insightful review about it.

Uganda Humanist Schools Trust Receives a 6,500-Euro Grant

The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris

SPI Coalition member Uganda Humanist Schools Trust (UHST) is always striving to create secular and maintain secular schools, an uncommon commodity in Uganda. UHST and another group, Humanist Schools in Uganda, have just been awarded a grant of 6,500 Euros! This generous grant will surely be helpful in nurturing a new generation of Ugandan humanists. Find out exactly what UHST will do with the money! inhsscience

Are vaccines dangerous? Does chemotherapy make cancer patients sicker? After all, “big pharma” profits off of these treatments.┬áSPI Coalition member┬áCenter for Inquiry recently hosted Yvette “The Science Babe” d’Entremont, who answers these questions. This exciting presentation, now available on YouTube, will leave you a better critical thinker and BS detector!

What if God actually┬ádoes exist and you encounter him after you die? Would you believe in him? What if you actually did go to hell for not believing in God? “Vinodnarayan”, of SPI Coalition member┬áThe Atheist Community of San Jose, provides insightful answers to┬áthese questions in a recent blog post.┬áhell

Many people who join SPI Coalition member┬áEx-Muslims of North America have heartbreaking stories to tell about the consequences of coming out as atheists to their Muslim families.┬áFor that reason one ex-Muslim decided┬ánot to come out to his family– and this is the anonymous, open letter that he wishes he could send to his mother on Mother’s Day.

Speaking of breaking away from religion, are you an ex-frum Jew who is looking for community online? If so, SPI Coalition member Off the Derech is for you. Join their Facebook page and meet others enjoying their new, godless lives.

SPI Coalition member┬áOmaha Metro Area Humanist Association is hosting a Heartland Humanist Conference in Omaha, Nebraska in August. This year’s theme will be The Life of an Atheist. Check out Heartland Humanist’s┬áwebsite for more information, and don’t forget to register!

Are you a freethinker? Are you a filmmaker? If so, then enter your film in the International Freethought Film Festival. This SPI Coalition member is now calling for submissions until the end of October!

Trolls are annoying, aren’t they? But not if they’re┬áTrolling with Logic. In the latest episode, SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist Ireland‘s chair, Michael Nugent, appears as a guest to discuss the battle for marriage equality in Ireland.

SPI Coalition member┬áFilipino Freethinkers has just released a new podcast! In this episode, the hosts discuss “ideal” body types, the evolving standards of beauty, the fact that women are held to more extreme standards for ideal body weight, and more.new_logo_high_res


Secular Israeli Mum Denied Child Support

The Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem has exempted a man from paying child support to his two daughters because ÔÇÿhe does not want to fund their secular lifestyleÔÇÖ.

The judges accepted the fatherÔÇÖs statement that his┬á former wife:

Chose to violate the divorce agreement and raise the daughters in a lifestyle identical to hers.


An Atheist Just Won the Right to Sue N.J. Over a Rejected Vanity License Plate

A federal judge has rejected New Jersey’s attempt to dismiss a lawsuit filed by an avowed atheist who claims she was turned down when she requested the vanity license plate “8THEIST.”

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Freda Wolfson late Tuesday means that Shannon Morgan of Leesburg can go ahead with a lawsuit challenging the state Motor Vehicle Commission’s ability to reject plates that are “offensive to good taste and decency.”

In November 2013, Morgan went on the commission’s website and typed in “8THEIST” as her choice. The website informed her that the “requested plate is considered objectionable,” according to Wolfson’s ruling.

When Morgan typed in the word “BAPTIST” she was permitted to continue with her application, according to the ruling.

Blasphemy is a victimless crime!

At Least 91% Women and Girls Rescued from Boko Haram are Pregnant

Of the 234 women and girls rescued from terrorist group Boko Haram this week, all but 20 are visibly pregnant.

The United Nations has confirmed the horrifying statistic, saying that at least 214 of the women rescued on Thursday have already visible bumps.

Nigerian military rescued the female hostages held by the radical Islamist group in an operation similar to another rescue carried out a week earlier.

Learn more about this shocking development, as reported from TVNZ 1.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals

A Nebraska woman identifying herself as the “ambassador” for plaintiffs “God and His Son, Jesus Christ,” is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking “religious and moral laws,” according to court records filed Tuesday.

In the suit, entered into the docket as Driskell v. Homosexuals, Sylvia Ann Driskell, 66, of Auburn, Nebraska, asks in a seven-page, neatly handwritten petition (PDF) that U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard decide once and for all whether homosexuality is or isn’t a sin.


Elham Manea: Combating Militant Islamism Means Also Confronting Non-Violent Islamism

The Weekly SPI Fellows Update
by Julie Esris

Combating militant Islamism is a very important concern, but non-violent Islamism shouldn’t be ignored either, argues Yemeni-Swiss political scientist, writer, human rights activist, and SPI Fellow┬áElham Manea. Find out why in this interesting┬áarticle she wrote for┬áEurope’s World.PD DR Elham Manea

What if someone invented an app that could help people have civil discussions with others about gods, religion, and the supernatural? It turns out that philosopher and SPI Fellow, Peter Boghossian is developing an app, Atheos, which does just that! Learn more about this exciting app and find out how to stay up to date with its development.

Religion is harmless, if not wonderful, if it provides people with purpose and a sense of comfort, right? Not so, says author, filmmaker, and SPI Fellow Jeremiah Camara. In this short video, Camara argues against religion, citing the negative effects it can have on morality, intelligence, and imagination. jeremiah-camara

Like many secularists, lawyer, philosopher, and SPI Fellow┬áRon Lindsay is opposed to the death penalty, even for convicted Boston Marathon bomber┬áDzhokhar Tsarnaev. But the alternative isn’t any better. Find out why in Lindsay’s┬áHuffington Post article.

British journalist Samira Ahmed has a few questions about atheism. So whom does she ask? Evolutionary biologist, famous atheist, and SPI Fellow Richard Dawkins, of course! In this fascinating interview, Dawkins discusses the acceptance of atheists, the question of how atheists should define themselves, how to discuss religion with religious people, and more!



Help Sydney Atheists Battle Religious Censorship

The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris

Do you live in Australia? If so, SPI Coalition member Sydney Atheists needs your help. A religious parent group in Victoria has successfully pressured the NSW Education department to remove books that support premarital sex, same-sex relationships, and abortion. Find out what you can do to help.Sydney Atheists Banner Have you escaped

Are you an ex-Muslim who is looking for an online community of fellow apostates? If so, check out SPI Coalition member┬áCouncil of Ex-Muslims‘s online forum for exciting discussions, games, news, and more!

An atheist group┬áin an Islamic country?┬áYes, it’s true! SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist Alliance International has just welcomed its latest affiliate group. Learn more, including what country this group is from.

Praise Bacon! You can now show your love of Bacon by purchasing T-shirts, mugs, smartphone cases and more from the store of SPI Coalition member, United Church of Bacon!prasie-bacon-preview

SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist┬áCommunity┬áof San Jose┬áloves making videos! This past October, they hosted Matt Dillahunty of┬áThe Atheist Experience┬áand posted a video of the event. But technology changes quickly, and Atheist Community of San Jose needs help raising money to purchase higher-quality video equipment. Donate if you would like to see more– and better– videos from Atheist Community of San Jose.

In the meantime, are you looking for some new humanist-themed videos to watch? Check out the YouTube channel of SPI Coalition member Dorset Humanists! The videos include discussions that cover important topics such as climate change, the importance of secularism, whether or not atheist groups and faith groups can work together, and more.

SPI Coalition member┬áCentral Florida Freethought Community┬ádoes it again, this time helping the Freedom From Religion Foundation score a victory in Florida’s Orange County school district. What did they do? Hint: They reminded the district that an open forum should truly be an open forum, or that it should be completely closed.

It’s difficult enough when you need a loan, but what if you need a loan while living in the developing world? See what SPI Coalition member,┬áAtheist Ireland, is doing to help!

Do you live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area? If so, then SPI Coalition member Atheists of Utah needs your help! In early June, they will have their own booth at the Utah Pride Festival. Find out about how you can help and volunteer!utah

How humanist are you? asks SPI Coalition member, British Humanist Association. Take this fun quiz to see if you are a humanist.┬áYou might be surprised by your results. In fact, many people are humanists and don’t even know it!


Policy: Courts Rule Against Public Meeting Prayer

The weekly report on US and International policy
by Edwina Rogers

Federal Court Rules Against ÔÇÿCoerciveÔÇÖ Christian Prayers At Public Meetings

Secular Victory: A federal court┬árules┬áÔÇ£coerciveÔÇØ Christian prayers at public meetings in a North Carolina county are unconstitutional.

Last week a federal judge┬áruled┬áthat in North Carolina, the Rowan County Board of Commissioners violated the U.S. Constitution by adopting what the ACLU calls a ÔÇ£coercive prayer practice.ÔÇØ

The federal court┬áruled┬áthat the Rowan County Board of Commissioners violated the Constitution when they coerced public participation in prayers that overwhelmingly advanced beliefs specific to one religion ÔÇô Christianity.

The ACLU reports that between 2007 and 2013, more than 97 percent of the prayers delivered by commissioners before public meetings were explicitly Christian prayers. praying-hands-on-scripture

State Report – Anti Science Bill In Alabama

┬áHouse Bill 592, introduced in the Alabama House of Representatives on┬áApril 30, 2015, and referred to the House Committee on Education┬áPolicy, would undermine the integrity of science education in the┬ástate by encouraging science teachers with idiosyncratic opinions to┬áteach anything they pleased and prevent responsible┬áeducational authorities from intervening. Topics identified in the┬ábill as likely to “cause debate and disputation” are “biological┬áevolution, the chemical origins of life, and human cloning.” The bill was modeled on Tennessee’s “Monkey Law”, enacted in 2012.

HB 592’s┬álead sponsor is Mack Butler (R-District 30), who,┬ádiscussing a different bill with┬á┬á(January 21,┬á2015), commented, “It takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution.” ┬áHB 592 is the first antiscience bill in the Alabama┬álegislature since 2009, when HB 300, the last in a long string of.┬á”academic freedom” bills in Alabama, failed to win passage.s-AMERICANS-CREATIONISM-large

Creation In British Faith Schools

┬á”Creationism is still taught in dozens of faith schools

[in the United┬áKingdom] despite government threats to withdraw their funding,”┬áreports the Telegraph (May 2, 2015), describing the results of a┬árecent investigation by the British Humanist Association.

┬áIn September 2014, the Department of Education instituted a ban on the┬ástate funding of nurseries (for children 2-4) that promote extremist┬áviews. Although the main target of the ban were “nurseries linked to┬áradical mosques or run by Islamic hardliners,” the Telegraph (August┬á7, 2014) noted, “Nurseries that teach creationism as scientific fact┬áwill be ineligible for taxpayer funding, under the new rules.”

Before the ban was instituted, the British Humanist Association identified ninety-one schools of concern. Subsequently, in January 2015, the BHA sent freedom of information requests to local authorities to ascertain whether those schools were still receiving state funds. Only fourteen of the ninety-one schools in fact lost their funding. Fifty-one schools still receiving funding were regarded as likely to be teaching creationism.

The BHA’s Pavan Dhaliwal told the Telegraph, “It is hugely┬ádisappointing … to discover that creationist schools have continued┬áto receive state funds since the ban on their doing so came into┬áforce” and called on the Department of Education to address the┬ásituation.

California PTA Weighs In On Climate Change

┬áCalifornia State PTA adopted a resolution on climate change and┬áclimate change education — entitled “Climate Change is a Children’s┬áIssue” — at its annual convention in Sacramento, California, on May┬á2, 2015.shutterstock_153806906

┬áObserving that there is broad scientific consensus on climate change┬áand the role of human activity in causing global warming, the┬áresolution calls for the California State PTA to “urge its units,┬ácouncils and districts to educate parents on the impact of climate┬áchange on children’s health and future welfare” and for school┬ádistricts to “educate students on climate and energy literacy and┬áhuman sustainability.”

┬áNCSE’s Minda Berbeco spoke in favor of the resolution, saying, “It is┬áthe mission of the California PTA to positively impact the lives of┬áall children and families. By passing this resolution, we are telling┬áour children, their teachers, and their schools that we, as their┬áparents and guardians, are here for them, to support them as they┬álearn how to navigate the challenges ahead and protect their future. I┬ácan’t imagine a more important positive impact.”

 California State PTA involves nearly one million Californians who support the education and well-being of children in the state.

And incidentally…


The square miles of Arctic sea ice in March 2015, the smallest recorded since satellite technology was introduced.
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration