Coalition: Americans United Takes a Stand Against Religious Court Clerks
The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris
Atheist Ireland is up to its elbows in activism of its own. This SPI Coalition member is outraged that the government┬áhas failed to protect children at religious schools from sexual abuse, denying responsibility as the schools are not government-funded. Check out Atheist Ireland’s report on their efforts in tackling this issue.
Every generation has different ideas about how to eat right and how to maintain a healthy weight. The problem is that this information changes constantly, sometimes even waffling from one set of ideas to another and back again. SPI Coalition member Conway Hall hosts Prof Tim Spector, Prof Barbara Prainsack and Sue Nelson, who do a wonderful presentation about this topic as part of the London Thinks series. It is now available on YouTube.
SPI Coalition member British Humanist Association is in its eleventh hour in trying to fill the position of Head of Education. Why eleventh hour? The application deadline is July 22nd, so apply right away!
Grow Another Row is a wonderful program in which surpluses of food from gardeners (both hobby and commercial) are sent to food banks and emergency food programs in Mesa County, Colorado. Last year, SPI Coalition member Humanists Doing Good volunteered to help during the harvests. Rumor has it that they are also volunteering this year!  Why not join Humanists Doing Good and help their volunteer efforts with Grow Another Row? Follow the links to learn more about Humanists Doing Good and Grow Another Row.
The law against blasphemy was recently abolished in Iceland, in part thanks to Icelandic SPI Coalition member Sidmentt (Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association). Learn more about how they helped!
SPI Coalition member┬áFilipino Freethinkers recently participated in the 2015 Metro Manilla (Philippines) LGBTQ Pride March. Check out this fun video that features highlights from the event as well as group members’ thoughts on the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in America.
SPI Coalition member Oklahoma Atheists also participated in a pride march, in this case in the Oklahoma City LGBTQ Pride Parade. Check out photos of them at the event on their Facebook page. Apparently a special mascot even made an appearance!
Do fundamentalists believe that┬ápregnancy is God’s punishment for having sex? That’s information that┬áJon Lindgren of SPI Coalition member┬áRed River Freethinkers┬áis gathering. After all, Colorado has reduced abortions by 40%, but not through abstinence or through forced birth.┬á