Our Mission



The Secular Policy Institute (SPI) is a think tank organization of thought leaders, writers, scholars and speakers with a shared mission to influence public opinion and promote a secular society. We believe governmental decisions and public policies should be based on available science and reason, and free of religion or religious preferences.


  1. Promote a secular society to the public, worldwide, without rancor towards religion
  2. Lobby governments and businesses, worldwide, towards separation of church and state
  3. Develop, fund, and manage high impact secular projects
  4. Organize high impact secular events, including the World Future Forum
  5. Gather the world’s leading┬ásecular books,┬áacademic papers, demographic studies,┬áand articles and make them available for decision-makers
  6. Help local secular groups grow and organize projects that engage their entire community, not just their members
  7. Coordinate the nonbelief movement towards these objectives by building the world’s largest secular coalition
  8. Run the world’s largest think tank of secular fellows and coordinate their work towards these objectives

Major Projects

World Future Forum

The Secular Policy Institute lobbies governments worldwide, and we are organizing a series of national events working with coalition members in countries around the world. The first is in Washington DC, called the World Future Forum, which is planned for September and has not been announced formally yet.

Each year the Secular Policy Institute convenes some of the world’s most prestigious scholars and scientists to develop and disseminate compelling resources to influence the world’s decision makers. Open to policymakers and the public alike, the World Future Forum provides an annual forum for an informed discussion of secular perspectives on the critical issues facing contemporary societies across the globe. At the end of the event,┬áin the US version, secularists organize to visit Congress in number for scheduled meetings with staff.

Other Projects

  • We are actively seeking UN Observer Status as an NGO
  • We host congressional briefings in the US Capitol Building
  • We run a “Monthly Coordinating Call” for international secular groups
  • We are editing an e-book, “Objective Truths for World Leaders”, written by our fellows
  • We offer the Secular Speakers Bureau, accomplished public speakers for large events
  • We build and maintain the world’s most comprehensive list of secular resources
  • We build and maintain┬áthe world’s largest directory of secular groups
  • We build and maintain┬áan international calendar of major secular events
  • We write the Secular Demographic Guides, analyzing our segment of society
  • We fund and organize original research and studies including polling data
  • We offer the Journalists’ Toolkit on Secular Policy Positions


The Secular Policy Institute is a proud member of the following coalitions:

We also run the world’s largest coalition of secular groups. See the list and learn about the benefits for your own group to join!

Our Cause Our Cause
Who We Are Who We Are
Secular Political Issues Political Issues
Secular Articles Secular Blog
Books, Surveys, and Papers Secular Resources