

New Research Seeks to Extend Canine Lifespan

Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle Healthy Aging and Longevity Research Institute have embarked on a new research regimen to determine the effects of potential life-extension drugs on extending the lives of our canine companions. The scientists, who are working with a small pilot group of 30 dogs aged 6 to 9, are anxious to determine the effect of the drug rapamycin on canine lifespan.

Three GOP Candidates Attend Conference Advocating Death Penalty For Homosexuals

Sometimes I think Republicans get a bad rap from mainstream journalists, who tend to be more sympathetic to liberals and Democrats. The problem may be particularly acute when it comes to social conservatives, whose views seem especially unpopular among journalists.

Fellows: SPI Fellow’s Emojional Reply to Terrorist Hitlist

A new list of targets has been uploaded on the internet allegedly by Ansar Al Islam, the same militant group that previously claimed responsibility for the murders of several secular individuals. The list was uploaded to the text-sharing site The list contained the names of 34 secular activists, bloggers and writers ÔÇô most of whom live in Bangladesh but also some who lived abroad.

Numbers: Poll Shows More Americans Are Giving Up the Ghost

While attending The Freedom From Religion FoundationÔÇÖs annual convention last month I was privy to a conversation among a group of attendees. They were discussing that the convention was ÔÇ£a sea of white headsÔÇØ and the general consensus was fear that faith may be making a comeback among Millennials. According to a Pew Forum study, their fears are unfounded. Now that is some real, good news.

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