

Policy: SPI to Send Turkish Atheist Group to Secular Conference, Edwina Rogers to visit Israeli Embassy, and More

The weekly report on US and International policy by Edwina Rogers New Turkish SPI Member Group to Attend Secular Conference It is very difficult to be openly secular in Turkey, a country that inhibits free press and free speech. SPI Coalition [...]

Parents Vent Fury After School Closes to Enable Staff to Go on Pilgrimage to Italy

Angry parents have criticised a primary school after it closed its doors to pupils so that staff could jet to Rome for a pilgrimage. They accused Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School in Birmingham of being "hypocritical" as parents [...]

Numbers: What Proportion of Muslims Support Violence in the Name of Islam?

The weekly report on research and demographics of the secular movement by Julie Esris Two Muslim extremists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, opened fire at the Mohammed Art Exhibit Cartoon Contest in North Garland, Texas on Monday. The contest allowed [...]

Fellows: Richard Dawkins- This is My Vision of Life

The Weekly SPI Fellows Update by Julie Esris Evolution is a long-established scientific fact, but evolutionary biologist and SPI Fellow Richard Dawkins always presents it in a new and interesting light. Last week was no exception, when Dawkins spoke on an [...]

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