The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris

Churches raise a lot of money for charity, don’t they? Maybe, but there is one church that has raised a ton of money recently. That’s right, SPI Coalition member┬áThe United Church of Bacon has raised $73,000 for AIDS research and secular causes! Good show, and praise Bacon!bacon

Since 2007, SPI Coalition member Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain has been creating a safe and caring online community for people leaving the Muslim faith. Right now they could use your financial support for campaigning, organizing events, and purchasing equipment. Read more about their objectives here and please consider donating.

Terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda are directly responsible for horrific murders, but there is another factor at play that enables these acts in the name of Islam, argues SPI Coalition member Center for Inquiry. What are these enabling factors?

There is good news and bad news. First, the bad news: Schools in Britain that teach creationism are continuing to receive government funds. The good news is that SPI Coalition member British Humanist Association is striving to do something about it. Find out more about their efforts and how you can help.

That you need God to be moral is more than just a well-worn clich├®; it is simply not true, argues Paul Kurtz of SPI Coalition Member┬áInstitute for Science and Human Values. How do we decide what is moral or immoral? Actually, the answer is quite complicated, as illustrated in Kurtz’s compelling essay, “Morality is Natural”.MAAF

“There are no atheists in foxholes”– another well-worn– and untrue– clich├®! Many military atheist groups– including SPI Coalition Member┬áMilitary Association of Atheists and Freethinkers— are observing the National Day of Reason. Check out the exciting and important┬áwork┬áthat MAAF and other secular┬ámilitary groups are doing!

SPI Coalition member, Central Florida Freethought Community, a chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, scored a huge victory in Venice Florida. What did they do? Hint: They helped remind the Venice City Council that freedom of religion also means freedom from religion!

How many atheists are there in the world? SPI Coalition member Atheist Alliance International wants to know, too. Go participate in their Atheist Census and be counted! atheist-alliance-international

A professor of evolutionary biology recently won an award. No, it wasn’t Richard Dawkins, but the award–┬ágiven for raising awareness of atheistic life and scientific knowledge– is named after him. Find out to whom┬áSPI Coalition member Atheist Alliance of America bestowed the Richard Dawkins Award!

Have you seen the great new atheism ad by SPI Coalition Member American Atheists that has recently aired on CNN? If not, go check it out!