The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris

Recently, Steve Hurd and Hilary Hurd of SPI Coalition member┬áUganda Humanist Schools Trust went to Uganda to see the progress of its new humanist schools. The presence of humanist schools in Uganda is important, as most Ugandan schools have a religious affiliation. This ongoing project has been highly successful, as illustrated in Steve Hurd’s new blog post.Kaseseschool

How are single genes responsible for complex sexual behaviors? How does oxytocin affect people with autism? How does a variant of one gene cause otherwise intelligent people to have severe language problems?  Recently, SPI Coalition member Atheist Community of San Jose hosted scientist Dr. Peter Schattner, who answered these questions and more. Understanding biology, he argues, helps us better understand humanity.

Many countries that America is on friendly terms with have blasphemy laws. But SPI Coalition member┬áEx-Muslims of North America aspires to help fix that. Learn about their support of HR 290, a bill that would implore the President and the Department of State to make removal of blasphemy laws in America’s allies a priority.

SPI Coalition member Conway Hall Ethical Society always hosts exciting events. Its recent London Thinks event– a discussion between physicist Brian Cox and geneticist Adam Rutherford– is no exception. Join these great scientists┬áas they discuss physics, biology, and the importance of science education.conway-hall

Despite dramatic advances in equal rights for women, we as a planet still have a long way to go, particularly in countries with a religious stronghold. That’s why SPI coalition member,┬áBritish Humanist Association, is stepping in to help. Learn more about their efforts!

Right now, many┬áMuslims are celebrating Ramadan. But what if you are an ex-Muslim who has to pretend to believe during this holiday in order to stay on good terms with your family? If you are in this situation, why not check out SPI Coalition member┬áCouncil of Ex-Muslims‘s forum? There is a thread called Haramadan Guide 2015, in which many ex-Muslims are coming together to voice their concerns.

Praise Bacon! SPI Coalition member┬áThe United Church of Bacon wants you to know what its beliefs are. Check them out, and don’t forget to praise Bacon when you’re done!

Recently, a white man named Dylann Roof opened fire in a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine people and injuring one. SPI Coalition member Atheist Alliance of America offers its condolences.

Do you enjoy shopping on Amazon’s UK site? Would you like to help SPI Coalition member┬áNational Secular Society?┬áLearn how you can kill two birds with one stone and do both!