The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris
Author and SPI Fellow┬áTaslima Nasrin┬árecently evacuated from India to the United States to escape death threats. This frightening situation and efforts to help her– including an emergency fund– are┬ádiscussed in depth during SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist Foundation of Australia‘s recent podcast.
SPI Coalition member British Humanist Association wants you to work for them! Would you like to be their head of education? Or maybe you would like to be chair of the board. Learn how you can apply.
Help Ugandan children go to schools that are unaffiliated with religion–┬áhumanist schools. SPI Coalition member┬áUganda Humanist Schools Trust┬áis making this a reality, but your help is important. Learn about how you can donate to this wonderful cause.
If you are a fan of the weekly call-in show┬áThe Atheist Experience, then SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist Community of San Jose has a real treat for you.┬áThe Atheist Experience‘s Tracie Harris┬árecently spoke about religious family values, and why they are harmful. A video of this event is now on Atheist Community of San Jose’s YouTube channel.
Is “Islamophobia” a legit term, or does it just shut down rational discourse? If leftists denounce that term, are they enabling bigotry? Benjamin Jones of SPI Coalition member┬áNational Secular Society (UK) weighs in on this issue.
And what’s up with celebrity culture? Why do we have reality shows about celebrities? Why do celebrities sell us products we probably don’t even need? And why do we gossip about celebrities’ personal lives? Is there an evolutionary explanation? Check out this┬áPoint of Inquiry podcast from SPI Coalition member┬áCenter for Inquiry to find out!
SPI Coalition member United Church of Bacon does it again! This time, “it” is a billboard of one of America’s secular founding fathers and one of his many insightful quotes. Praise this founding father, and praise Bacon!
SPI Fellow Phil Zuckerman‘s new book┬áLiving the Secular Life has just been published! Check out the review in the newsletter of SPI Coalition member┬áOntario Humanist Society.
It’s another great podcast by SPI Coalition member┬áFilipino Freethinkers! This time, the hosts discuss “eavesdropping” in the age of social media. What does it mean? And is it ethical?
How does one explain the ubiquitous phenomenon of religion? Study its demographics, says Jon Lindgren of SPI Coalition member Red River Freethinkers, in a recent blogpost.