The weekly report on the SPI Coalition
by Julie Esris
Did you know that the government of Ontario funds Catholic Schools? This┬áis not only unfair to people from other religions and to atheists, but also cost-prohibitive, says SPI Coalition Member┬áCanadian Secular Alliance. Ontario could save over $500 million Canadian dollars per year by funding one secular school system.┬áCheck out Canadian Secular Alliance’s proposal to the Government of Ontario.
The Eighth Amendment of the Irish constitution prohibits abortion except to save the woman’s life. SPI Coalition member┬áAtheist Ireland has joined a Coalition with other pro-choice groups to lobby to repeal the Eighth Amendment. Read more about their efforts and watch Atheist Ireland’s Michael Nugent’s speech at a parliamentary hearing.┬á
SPI Coalition member Atheist Roundtable is a weekly atheist call-in show. One of the most recent episodes is about Easter. The host, Andrew Garber, talks about how his perception of Easter has evolved and also takes listener calls. If you like it, you can listen to other episodes here!
As we reported in an earlier newsletter issue, atheist orphanages have been completely unheard of… until now. Thanks to the efforts of SPI Coalition member Humanist Empowerment of Livelihoods in Uganda (HELU)┬áand other humanitarian groups, an atheist orphanage in Uganda is now under construction. In light of dangerous anti-LGBTQ Christianity flooding Uganda from the United States, it is important to help Ugandans form┬ásecular alternatives to institutions normally dominated by religion. Read about HELU’s efforts and check out their Facebook page for information on their other projects. Also, please consider donating to HELU’s fundraiser for building an early education center for young children.

Humanist Empowerment of Livelihoods in Uganda
SPI Coalition member┬áSecular Avenue‘s mission is to help people who feel unsafe at home due to domestic abuse, religious extremism, or fears of repercussions of coming out as LGBTQ. Secular Avenue recently wrote a very insightful┬áblog post about the importance of listening when someone tells you he or she has been abused in some way. It is very common for people to be skeptical about victims’ claims, but it is important to remember that false accusations of abuse are the exception, not the rule.
In early February, a large pile of garbage appeared on Easter Tower Hill in Mesa County, Colorado, an area frequented by hikers, bikers, horseback riders, and dogs. Who would clean up the garbage so that people, horses, and dogs would enjoy visiting again? SPI Coalition Member Humanists Doing Good, of course! Read more here.
SPI Coalition member The Clergy Project, is an organization that provides support for former clergy members who no longer believe in God. Former pastor Drew Bekius is one of these clergy members-turned-atheist. Read about his fascinating journey from Christian fundamentalist to atheism.
Oklahoma is deep in the Bible Belt. But many atheist and secular groups, including SPI Coalition member┬áOklahoma Atheists, held the very first Atheist and Secular Oklahomans Day in Oklahoma City. These groups educated visitors and were prepared to speak to legislators about their concerns regarding faith’s growing influence on government.
High school students from Woodlands Christian Academy, just outside of Houston, Texas, were recently assigned to contact a secular humanist and ask questions about their views on the creation of the world and the meaning of life. Three of these students contacted SPI Coalition member Humanists of Fort Worth. HOFW was happy to answer their questions.
Secular Policy Institute has some new Coalition members! 
- Atheist Parents‘s mission is to help parents who want┬áto raise their children without religion. This organization offers parenting tips on its website, a quarterly┬ánewsletter, and even a recommended reading list for adults and children.
- Backyard Skeptics is an atheist/skeptic organization with 6 chapters that encompass over 1100 members in Orange County, California. They hold monthly meetings, go on science-related field trips, have movie nights, and more.
- Bruin Alliance of Skeptics and Secularists (BASS)┬áis┬áa member of the Secular Student Alliance at UCLA. They hold meetings, discussion groups, and other fun social events. Their motto is: “BASS stands for SCIENCE. REASON. FREE INQUIRY.”
- Central Colorado Humanists promotes humanism, supports a science-informed philosophy, and advocates critical thinking. They hold discussion groups, perform community service, and even meet for good food!
- Center for Inquiry- Uganda— No website yet, but it’s quite exciting that┬áCenter for Inquiry has reached Uganda!
- Dutch Party for Reason (Voorzitter van de Partij van de Rede – ASP)┬áadvocates separation of religion and state, advocates critical thinking, and challenges┬álaws that make exemptions in case of religion.
- Michigan Atheists┬ádefends atheists’ civil rights, advocates separation of church and state, and is the oldest local atheist group in the┬áUnited States.
- Ontario Humanist Society‘s mission is “to practise and to foster humanism at the Provincial level by providing focus, service and a sense of ethical identity to humanists and humanist associations across Ontario in a manner consistent with humanist principles, practice and core values as stated in the Humanist Manifestos, Amsterdam Declaration and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” They have financially supported several┬áother organizations, including Dying with Dignity, The Clergy Project, and the International Humanist and Ethical Union.
- Rationalists of East Tennessee┬áoffers discussion groups, holds a skeptics’ book club, and even engages in community service.
- Sunday Assembly Washington D.C.┬áis a “godless congregation” that meets every Sunday┬áin Washington, D.C.
- Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic‘s members’ position is that they do not know if there is a god but that if there is, he is completely apathetic.
- Zdravomyslie Foundation This Russian organization supports secular values, separation of church and state, and freedom of speech.
- What Happens Next Productions– A film company that supports secular values.