Weekly Coalition Update

by Deanna Cantrell


Arkansas Society of Freethinkers

Happy early Halloween, Little Rock!

The Arkansas Society of Freethinkers is throwing a Halloween party! ┬áFrom their site, “The Halloween Party of all Halloween parties at Edgewood Memorial Cemetery. Bwahhhhhhaaahhhhaaaaah. Be there and experience the ground on which the crematory once stood. Or are you too scared???!!! Bwahhhaaahaaahhh!!!!” ┬áDon’t miss out! ┬áThe fun happens tomorrow!

After the fun, be sure to join in to beautify your local community.  Adopt a street cleanup takes place on October 25th from 10:00am-11:00am.



Members in Action

SPI Coalition Member, The National Secular Society gave their support for a bill being debated in the House of Lords.

The Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill, proposed by Baroness Cox, has passed its second reading in the House of Lords and was met with support from peers across the political spectrum.

The Bill would make it illegal for any arbitration tribunal to “do anything that constitutes discrimination, harassment or victimization on grounds of sex” and several honorary associates of the NSS offered their support for the Bill.

It would specifically prohibit those providing arbitration services from “treating the evidence of a man as worth more than the evidence of a woman” and from “proceeding on the assumption that a woman has fewer property rights than a man”.

For the full story, see the National Secular Society


Altruism in Athens

The Atheist Union of Greece has been active sending out a press release for the abolition of blasphemy laws and Atheist Union of Greececalling for the separation of church and state.  In December, they have an upcoming event which includes a blood drive and collection of other necessities to help those in need.  They encourage Grecians to do good without god!