The weekly report on the Secular Policy Institute’s Coalition
by Johnny Monsarrat

humanist-service-corpsThis week we’ve been adding coalition members so quickly that we haven’t even had time to post them all and reformat our coalition page. Less than a month from the start of our outreach campaign, we now have 181 members, with another 105 groups talking it through with us, most waiting for their next board meeting to come around.

These groups come from all around the world, with recent joins from Uganda, Ireland, Romania, the Phillipines, the Netherlands, Signapore, Australia, and so many more. We several from the UK and Canada.

Like last week, some of the newest joiners are some of the world’s most important secular groups!

See the coalition list for more, and we’ll be updating and reformatting it fully this week if we can just catch up on emails with the nearly 200 groups wanting to talk with us about the coalition this week! Email to discuss the benefits of your own group joining.