The weekly update on SPI coalition members
by Johnny Monsarrat
We support secularists running for government! Kim Sj├Âstr├Âm of coalition member Freethinkers Association of the University of Helsinki is running for Finland’s Parliament as part of the Liberal Party! See story.
The Secular Policy Institute has the world’s largest coalition, with 286 members, but we also join coalitions! We have just been accepted as a member of the prestigious International Humanist & Ethical Union. We are also a proud member of the following coalitions:
- Coalition for Liberty and Justice
- Coalition Against Religious Discrimination
- Inter Coalition for Religious Refusals
- Hummay, International Humanist Support Network
This week we welcome 11 new national members from all around the world:

- Argentine Ethical Humanist Association
- Association of South African Humanists
- Black Atheists of America
- Canadian Secular Alliance
- Center for Free Inquiry, Italy
- Center for Inquiry, Poland
- Indonesian Atheists
- Polish Humanist Association
- Sidmennt, the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association
- South-East Asian Atheists
- United Church of Bacon
Do you run a group that supports ending discrimination against secularists? Do you support separation of church and state? See the benefits to joining the world’s largest secular coalition!