431aReligious leaders and believers are debating whether or not the United States should welcome Syrian refugees. It is not surprising that the Muslim community in this country would be supportive of the influx of new Muslim refugees, but the two other Abrahamic faith traditions seem to be beside themselves on this issue. There are Christian leaders and believers who quote the Bible both for and against allowing Muslim refugees into America. Jewish leaders are similarly conflicted especially because Jews and Muslims have a pretty violent conflict going on in the Middle East, and yet American Jews are also sympathetic because of their history from the last century of being the refugees after the Second World War.

I’m sure there are atheists on both sides of this debate as well. I can’t speak for the entire atheist community because atheism isn’t a shared belief system with a shared holy book or shared doctrine. It is merely the lack of belief in an idea that has absolutely no evidence and seems to fly in the face of logic and reason.

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