The weekly SPI Fellows Update,
by Julie Esris
Yemeni-Swiss political scientist, writer, human rights activist, and SPI Fellow Dr. Elham Manea recently wrote an article in which she discusses human rights as a universal imperative. The article also references two of her Arabic books, Echos of Pain and Sins.
Phil Zuckerman, SPI Fellow, author, and professor of sociology at Pitzer College, was recently interviewed by Lindsay Beyerstein on the Point of Inquiry podcast. Zuckerman recently interviewed a number of secularists to find out how they live their lives. The results of his research may surprise you!
What should be┬áBoston Marathon bomber Dzohkhar Tsarnaev’s sentence for his horrible crime? Lawyer, social critic, and SPI Fellow Wendy Kaminer┬áexamines this issue as well as the effectiveness of the death penalty in American society.
In February 2015, Russell Blackford, philosopher, author, editor, literary critic, and SPI Fellow discussed how science gives rise to atheism and undermines religion. The video of his exciting talk is now available.

Russell Blackford
Many people have teachers or mentors whom they never forget! Philosopher, author, and SPI Fellow A. C. Grayling is no different. In a recent BBC radio podcast, Grayling remembers his former tutor A. J. Ayer