The Weekly SPI Fellows Update
by Julie Esris
Evolution is a long-established scientific fact, but evolutionary biologist and SPI Fellow Richard Dawkins always presents it in a new and interesting light. Last week was no exception, when Dawkins spoke on an podcast about selfish genes, extended phenotypes, his homemade computer programs which simulate evolution, and more!

Richard Dawkins
On Monday there was a reported shooting in Baltimore… but apparently it didn’t happen! Were the witnesses lying to the media about what they saw? Psychologist and SPI Fellow┬áElizabeth Loftus┬átalks about the phenomenon of false memories!
The Atheist Experience‘s Matt Dillahunty has a few philosophical questions:┬áCan we know anything with absolute certainty?┬áWhy does┬áreligion have┬áso many protective mechanisms that make it difficult for adherents to doubt┬áit?┬áIs there┬ávalue in having public debates? and more. So whom does he ask? Philosopher and SPI Fellow┬áA.C. Grayling, of course!
Have primordial gravitational waves been detected? What does it mean to say that the universe comes from nothing? Will an atheist ever be elected president in the United States? Theoretical physicist and SPI Fellow Lawrence Krauss answers these questions and more in this exciting Off the Record interview!
Terrorism by Muslim extremists is, well, terrifying, but what is behind this phenomenon besides religion? Writer and SPI Fellow Michael Shermer offers a fascinating evolutionary explanation in a recent Scientific American article.