Secular Recommendations: International Policy

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Secular Recommendations: International Policy2020-10-11T04:03:06+00:00


international_secular_instituteFreedom of religion, belief, and expression are fundamental American values. They are enshrined in the Constitution and echoed in international human rights law. As a leader in the international community, the U.S. should actively participate in global efforts to protect these vital freedoms.

Our Recommendations on International Policy

Recording of the SPI International Call — June 2, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for June 2, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda SPI International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô Iran and Pakistan Sign-on Letter┬ácontent: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais des Nations [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — May 5, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for May 5, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda International Hot Spot of the Month Sign-on Letter content: Her Majesty the Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA The Rt Hon David Cameron MP Prime Minister 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA Your Majesty [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — April 7, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for April 7, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô┬áItaly Sign-on Letter┬ácontent: Sergio Mattarella President of the Republic of Italy Palazzo del Quirinale 00187 Roma, Italy Laura Boldrini President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Palazzo [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — March 3, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for March 3, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô┬áZika Virus Sign-on Letter┬ácontent to be sent to South American countries: The 2015 Zika virus outbreak that started in Brazil has quickly spread to over 30 countries. [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — February 4, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for February 4, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda SPI International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô Saudi Arabia January 27, 2016 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 The Honorable John Kerry Secretary of State [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — January 7, 2016

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for January 7, 2016 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda SPI International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô Saudi Arabia December 14, 2015 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 The Honorable John Kerry Secretary of State [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — November 5, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for November 5, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda SPI International Hot Spot of the Month - Myanmar October 20, 2015 H.E. President Thein Sein Presidential Palace Zeya Theiddhi Ward Naypyitaw, Myanmar H.E. Ambassador U Kyaw Myo Htut Embassy of the Republic [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — October 1, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for October 1, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda I ÔÇô┬áSPI International Hot Spot of the Month ÔÇô┬áBangladesh Bloggers September 21, 2015 High Commissioner Ant├│nio Guterres United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Case Postale 2500 CH-1211 Gen├¿ve 2 D├®p├┤t Suisse Dear High [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — September 3, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for September 3, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda I ÔÇô┬áSPI International Hot Spot of the Month - Nigerian Nine Sentenced to Death August 3, 2015 H.E. President Muhammadu Buhari The President of the Republic of Nigeria Nigerian Presidential Complex, Aso Rock [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — July 2, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for July 2, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda I ÔÇô┬áSPI International Hot Spot of the Month - Bloggers Killed in Bangladesh June 29, 2015 Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister's Office Old Sangsad Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Ambassador Mohammad Ziauddin 3510 [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — June 4, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for June 4, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda I ÔÇô┬áSPI International Hot Spot of the Month - Bloggers Killed in Bangladesh Please Join SPI in agreeing to be included in a sign on letter to international decision makers to demand reforms [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — May 7, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for May 7, 2015 Here's the latest recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call. Agenda PLEASE HELP NEPAL As you may know, Nepal experienced a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on April 25. Over 14,000 people have been injured, and over 7,000 people have died as a result of this massive [...]

Recording of the SPI International Call — April 2, 2015

About the International Coalition Calls Every first Thursday of the month, the Secular Policy Institute holds an international coordinating call for its 300 members to discuss the future of the secular movement. Call for April 2, 2015 Here's the recording of the Secular Policy Institute's international coordinating call from April 2, 2015. Agenda Agenda Item I: About the Secular Policy Institute Presenter: Edwina Rogers, CEO,, 202-674-7800 SPI Mission: The Secular Policy Institute (SPI) is a think tank organization of thought leaders, writers, scholars, and [...]


Freedom of religion, freedom of belief, and freedom of expression are at the heart of international human rights agreements, just as they are at the heart of the U.S. Constitution. All persons deserve to be able to freely select their beliefs, to practice their religion or lack thereof as they choose so long as no harm is done to others, and to engage in public discussion and debate on religion. The U.S. government has both a moral and a legal duty to defend and protect [...]


Several key international agreements approved by the United Nations (UN) enshrine freedom of religion, belief, and expression as basic international human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.ÔÇØ [...]

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