635927944700430330-IMG-1466A new branch of secular ethics is touting a fact that all members of the secular community should take to heart: when we speak our minds about what we truly believe in, we can emerge victorious over the so-called “true believers” of the world.

At a recent presentation in Tennessee,┬á”Secular Ethics: The power of saying what you DO believe!” was the highlight of several work-sessions presented at the Nashville Nones Convention. Patrick Horst, the presenter of the workshop, used the arena as a platform to address a problem that many in our community have faced: Christians and other believers continually question the validity of atheist arguments, since they are not rooted in religious belief.

Mr. Horst brings a clear point to the issue, explaining that we have the great power and opportunity as a community to have our voice heard in an even louder way by expressing our views consistently, clearly, and with our own authority. Standing up for your beliefs, regardless of having the backing of so-called religious “authority”, is always the most valid option for making new progress in our political and cultural systems of thought and action.

An inspiring piece, members are encouraged to reach out to the Nashville Nones to learn more about how you can get involved with the Tennessee secular community.