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So far criticallythinking has created 374 blog entries.

Secular Victory In Turkey

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced this week that a core facet of the nation's new constitution will recognize and respect secularism in government and beyond. This action marks a bold step forward for the nation, and will likely spur [...]

Physician and Pastor Debate Science and Faith

This week, two unlikely collaborators came together to share and embrace each other's perspectives on two vastly different topics: science and faith. The event occurred this week in Curitiba, Brazil, with a high-ranking Vatican cardinal and a Dartmouth College professor. [...]

Secular Injustice in Bangladesh

This week a postgraduate law student, Nazimuddin Samad  was killed in Bangladesh in a machete attack. As the news broke, much work was done to understand what had happened. Media contacts worked to establish Nazim's connections to the Bangla secularist community [...]

State Update: Teaching Creationism in Louisiana

Louisiana's Senate Bill 156, which would have repealed the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act, was rejected on a 4-2 vote in the Senate Education Committee on March 29, 2016. The failure of the bill's repeal marks a downturn in secular [...]

The Mission For Transgender Rights in North Carolina

Three members of the LGBT community, with the help of the ACLU and a state advocacy group, are suing North Carolina over the state's new law that prohibits transgender people from using public bathrooms that match their gender identity. Most (66 [...]

Colorado Allows Atheist, Satanic Groups To Distribute Literature at Public Schools In a move placed in reaction to the recent distribution of bibles to hundreds of students by the Gideons, a Colorado public school district has been forced, by their [...]

The Other Side’s Take On A Legend

A Christian apologist and close friend of the late Christopher Hitchens has authored a new book examining the conflicts facing the legend around issues of faith and secularism. Regarded as a seminal work on both sides of the playing field, [...]

Retaking Religious Holidays

With the decline in religion throughout the U.S. and around the world, a new question is arising: should we keep up the holidays that we hold so dear? In this piece of original content, we'll discuss the reasoning behind retaking [...]

Atheists: Stand Up For What You Believe In!

A new branch of secular ethics is touting a fact that all members of the secular community should take to heart: when we speak our minds about what we truly believe in, we can emerge victorious over the so-called "true [...]

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